• 4 min Read

I recently had the opportunity to present at ESOMAR’s AI Tools showcase, which featured a panel discussion with several brand insights leaders moderated by Vensa Hajnšek, senior manager of intelligence at Swarovski. The discussion served as a touchstone for the state of AI in market research: lots of experimentation, and real promise to elevate insights… Continue reading Brand Insights Leaders Reveal the Promise and Peril of Generative AI in Market Research

  • 3 min Read

For consumer insights professionals, the promise of generative AI is clear – enhanced efficiency through automation and elevated data storytelling capabilities. Being able to quickly and seamlessly translate vast amounts of unstructured consumer feedback data into polished insights has obvious operational benefits. From dramatically reducing time spent reading through verbatim comments, to surfacing thematic trends… Continue reading Why High-Trust AI is Critical for Unlocking Consumer Insights

  • 3 min Read

In the vast and complex landscape of data analysis, open-ended text holds a unique place. Unlike its close-ended counterparts, which confine responses to predefined options, open-ended text—also referred to as verbatims—embraces the richness and diversity of human expression. This form of data collection, prevalent across open-ended survey questions, digital feedback channels, customer support interactions, and… Continue reading The Power of Open-Ended Text in Unveiling Deep Insights

  • 5 min Read

By 2025, an overwhelming 80% of customer feedback is expected to be unstructured, encompassing a wide range of sources such as consumer surveys, online reviews, and social media commentary. Given this shift, the question arises: How can businesses leverage this abundance of unstructured text to evolve into more customer-focused and empathetic organizations? The key lies… Continue reading Understanding the ROI of AI for Consumer Insights

  • 3 min Read

Discover how to use text analytics to improve your customer experience. Learn the basics of text analytics, potential challenges and best practices for getting started.

  • 8 min Read

Discover how to use text analytics to improve your customer experience. Learn the basics of text analytics, potential challenges and best practices for getting started.

  • 7 min Read

“Unlock the hidden value of text in your consumer survey data with text analytics! Learn how to analyze open-ended questions and get more actionable results from your research projects.”

  • 2 min Read

“Water, water, everywhere, nor any drop to drink,” wrote Samuel Taylor Coleridge in his epic poem The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. This quote is a powerful metaphor for the modern business landscape, where organizations are surrounded by a seemingly endless sea of customer data but lack the ability to effectively utilize it. Organizations today… Continue reading AI Text Analytics: Quenching the Thirst for Deeper Customer Empathy

  • 2 min Read

As Ferris Bueller so wisely said, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” With those wise words in mind, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on 2022 at Canvs as we turn the page to 2023. Text analytics continued to be… Continue reading Canvs AI 2022 Recap: Open Ends to Core Insights


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