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The Insights Platform Built for Open-Ended Feedback

Canvs AI brings clarity to your unstructured feedback. Our AI-powered platform delivers precise and nuanced text analysis across various data sources, categorizing unstructured text by themes and emotions, and provides a concise, natural-language summary “story” of your data.

Take advantage of our Love Your Verbatims Honeymoon offer! Complete the form below to schedule a customized demo and get unlimited text analysis for the first 60 days.*

Unlimited Text Analysis
for the first 60 days

Tour the Canvs AI Platform!

Trusted by elite insights and CX teams

Canvs AI supports elite insights and CX teams

Canvs AI customers deliver incredible results for their organizations. We’re proud to help these amazing brands advance data-driven storytelling and operational efficiency with the power of real-world AI.

Idealized product image of Canvs AI Insights Platform

AI Built for CX

Canvs is powered by AI-based Natural Language Processing (NLP) that produces highly-accurate analysis of the topics, themes and nuanced emotions in consumer feedback. Our AI automatically surfaces the primary themes, identifies meaningful connections, and provides a generative AI “co-pilot” to answer questions about your data. Canvs gives you and your team text analysis superpowers.

Better Analyze Open-Ended Questions

Open-ended text from consumers – like responses to open-ended survey questions and product reviews – are gold. But the time and expense of analyzing them limit their use. Get deeper insights and boost ROI from open-ended text with Canvs.

Idealized product image of Canvs AI Insights Platform
Idealized product image of Canvs AI Insights Platform

Our Canvs is Your Canvs

Canvs is trained on language from billions of conversations, however, you may want to tailor your output for a truly custom experience. Canvs allows you to add, remove or reclassify Topics, Emotions, or Codes, and to save common scenarios as rules that can be automatically applied to future data sets.

Download The Ultimate Guide to Unlocking Voice of the Customer with Generative AI

In this guide you’ll discover:

  • How to Transform CX Research with Generative AI
  • Case Studies from National Geographic and PODS
  • Using Canvs to Uncover the Voice of the Customer Insights

Schedule a demo

See how Canvs automates text analysis, saves time, and improves insights from open-ended text!


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Schedule a demo to see how Canvs automates text analysis, saves time, and improves insights from open-ended text!