Dig Insights Podcast: Jared Feldman on What AI Has To Do with Empathy


Qual research has, in years gone by, been viewed as sort of challenging to quantify. But today’s Dig In guest is chipping away at this type of historical stigma. Jared A. Feldman is the CEO & Founder of Canvs AI, an emotion and behavior insights platform. In this lively episode, Jared and our own qual expert Patricia King discuss how you can add empathy to qualitative research, turn unstructured data into quantifiable evidence, and how AI can help researchers power up their work. 

Tune in to learn: 
  • What Canvs AI does and how they enable brands to be truly empathetic 
  • Why open-ended questions have had a mixed reputation in the research world and how Canvs AI is changing that
  • The benefits of using a tool like Canvs AI in tracking studies
  • How consumers can tell if a brand is empathetic 
  • Why AI won’t actually steal our jobs

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