Canvs AI Platform

The easiest way to trusted insights

Canvs AI is your insights platform to find deep insights from any source of unstructured text
How it works

Get answers to your most critical business questions, 
just by asking

Import any text from any source
Analyze unstructured feedback consistently across all consumer touchpoints and data sources.
Discover your best insights
Uncover topics, themes, emotions, and correlations with Asa, gain insights and connections through cross-tabs or time-series analysis.
Elevate your impact
Spend less time on data processing and more on strategic insights. Unlocking deeper consumer connections and empathy.

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Canvs AI is trusted by elite insights teams
from top brands and suppliers

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Consumer behavior research

Better understand consumer attitudes, particularly when it comes to new or quickly-evolving topics. Open ends capture the emotions and emotional intensity consumers have towards a topic.

Customer experience (CX)

Understand the “why” behind your NPS score and CSAT ratings by identifying topics, categories and themes correlating with detractors (or promoters). Capture overall sentiment as well as nuanced emotion and what’s driving those feelings.

Product feedback and testing

Online review, product forums and direct surveys provide powerful feedback your product teams need to delight your customers. Capture how consumers feel about your product or concept, and what specific attributes they perceive or value.

Audience feedback

Emotional response is at the heart of effective content. Canvs allows you to quickly identify if content is hitting the mark, and dig into the data to understand which concepts and ideas are resonating and/or overall ad recall.

Brand & tracking studies

In the age of the empowered, informed consumer, brand and brand trust matter more than ever. Open-ended questions in brand tracking studies are critical to measuring unaided awareness and key attributes of the brand, product or concept over time.


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See how Canvs automates text analysis, saves time, and improves insights from open-ended text!


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Schedule a demo to see how Canvs automates text analysis, saves time, and improves insights from open-ended text!