Extract Even More Emotional Insight from Market Research with Crosstabs

At Canvs, our patented technology decodes open-ended text responses on a spectrum of 42 core emotions to give you insight into how your customers are feeling and why. We use unnatural language processing AI to understand the ever-evolving language in digital conversations, including all the nuances of modern language, such as slang, short-hand, and emoticons, along with the brands or influencers driving the discussions.

Because of this focus on modern speak, we can understand and interpret the unique signature of your open-ended responses. And, to complement this, Canvs allows you to include other data points for segmentation such as demographics, NPS scores, and any other core metrics to expand your ability to cut and filter your data to find new, unexpected insights.  

At its core, Canvs generates emotion and topical analysis associated with each open-end.  We then use these insights to generate Nets and Codes in a more traditional market research approach to categorize the content included in your sample of open-ends.  This process can be tuned to your specific client or industry need, shortening or removing the hand-coding requirements of open-ended analysis. Canvs also uses stat testing to highlight key differentiation among segments; bubbling these to the surface automatically. You can then use the boolean logic to split, search and dig into the Canvs analysis, to bring your research story to life.

What are Crosstabs?

The Crosstab feature in Canvs is your ability to use the closed-ended data points, or other segments included in your upload, to filter your analysis and discover the targeted responses for your research and insights. By selecting a subset of the group, you can compare and expose a deeper understanding of your audience to clearly learn their intent. 

You can use Crosstabs to compare the variety of reactions across different age groups. Maybe it rated highly among older viewers, but poorly among the 20 and 30-year-old audience. From there, you can drill down further — what’s the income of that subset? Where do they live? With the ability to apply up to 50 crosstabs in a single survey,  there are endless paths to arriving at more meaningful and actionable insights. 

Canvs Crosstabs

What’s the value?

Utilizing Canvs’ ability to include crosstab analysis gives you more flexibility and more ways to slice your data and dig into the nuance of consumer interaction. We offer powerful ways to view the data and gain deeper insight instantly, with limited effort. Canvs helps close the gaps between unstructured and structured data, giving extra value to the closed-ended data analysis. 

Canvs is evolutionizing text analytics for qualitative and quantitative research; adding unstructured data to create a truer picture for aiding business decisions. For more details on how Canvs can help your company better understand its insights, connect with us!


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