Unlocking the Power of Consumer Empathy with
Generative AI Prompts for Insights

Generative AI Prompt Guide

Generative AI is quickly changing the business landscape, including that of consumer insights and customer experience research. AI has the potential to significantly boost research productivity by automating manual tasks and accelerating insights discovery and reporting. However, as the software industry adage goes: garbage in, garbage out. Meaning that if generative AI-powered tools aren’t effectively designed or utilized, AI hope will quickly dwindle to AI hype.

High-trust Generative AI for Insights Discovery

In today’s experience economy, understanding the “why” behind consumer behaviors and preferences is pivotal for brands to drive meaningful connections. However, upwards of 80% of consumer feedback data is unstructured, making it challenging to extract insights in an efficient manner. This is where generative AI proves to be a game-changer, enabling insights teams to unlock data-driven storytelling capabilities and operational efficiencies at an unprecedented scale.

Generative AI empowers insights professionals to:

1. Accelerate Insights Discovery: AI-powered systems can quickly analyze large volumes of open-ended feedback, pinpointing key themes, sentiments, and actionable insights.

2. Elevate Data-Driven Storytelling: By generating compelling narratives from unstructured data, insights teams can effectively communicate findings that resonate with stakeholders and drive strategic decision-making.

3. Maximize Operational Efficiency: Automating the analysis of open-ended feedback significantly reduces manual effort, enabling researchers to focus on higher-value activities and amplify team productivity.

4. Unlock Consumer Empathy: As ironic as it may seem, AI-enabled systems can help researchers unlock consumer emotion at scale, uncovering the motivations driving consumer behaviors, fostering a deeper understanding of target audiences.

The following Generative AI Prompt Guide showcases five AI prompts across five distinct research use cases, empowering insights teams to extract maximum value from their consumer feedback data. These prompts are based on real results produced by AI Story Assist, a generative AI research co-pilot that’s built into the Canvs AI insights platform. These are prompts designed specifically to explore open-ended text captured as part of consumer insights and customer experience.

Five by Five

Audience Feedback

Audience feedback studies aim to understand how consumers react to content and content elements in shows and movies.. The critical question is: “How is my audience perceiving and responding to this content?” Prompts allow researchers to quickly categorize responses, identify memorable elements, pinpoint areas of criticism, develop audience personas, and recommend strategies based on the feedback.

Categorize the types of responses and provide a description and example of each category.
AI Story Assist - Categorize the types of responses and provide a description and example of each category.
What parts of the content (e.g., ad, show, product) do viewers remember or mention the most?
AI Story Assist - What parts of the content (e.g., ad, show, product) do viewers remember or mention the most?
Based on the feedback, please summarize aspects of the content that generated issues or criticism.
Name and describe the buyer personas based on the feedback.
AI Story Assist - Name and describe the buyer personas based on the feedback.
Based on the responses, outline three recommended strategies for responding to the critical commentary.
AI Story Assist - Based on the responses, outline three recommended strategies for responding to the critical commentary.

Ad Testing

Ad testing focuses specifically on evaluating audience reactions to advertising creative before launch. The critical question is: “How effective is this ad creative in capturing attention and driving desired behaviors?” Prompts enable insights into audience reactions to creative elements, brand perception, confusing aspects, buyer personas, and areas for improving ad comprehension.

Summarize reactions to a specific creative element
(e.g., character, scene, tagline).
AI Story Assist - Summarize reactions to a specific creative element (e.g., character, scene, tagline).
How do people perceive the brand based on the responses?
Based on the responses, please list aspects of the ad that were confusing or unclear.
Based on the responses, generate two likely buyer personas, and explain how the ad is likely to influence their purchase consideration.
AI Story Assist - Based on the responses, generate two likely buyer personas, and explain how the ad is likely to influence their purchase consideration.
Please suggest three recommendations to improve comprehension or understanding of the ad.
AI Story Assist - Please suggest three recommendations to improve comprehension or understanding of the ad.

Customer Satisfaction (CSAT/NPS)

Customer satisfaction studies like NPS and service cancellation surveys measure sentiment towards a company’s products or services. The critical question is: “What is driving satisfaction or dissatisfaction with our offering?” Prompts allow researchers to summarize dissatisfaction areas by rating, suggest satisfaction improvements, create buyer personas, and categorize cancellation reasons.

Filter responses by a specific rating (e.g., detractors) and summarize the areas of dissatisfaction.
AI Story Assist - Filter responses by a specific rating (e.g., detractors and summarize the areas of dissatisfaction
Summarize the areas of dissatisfaction.
AI Story Assist - Summarize the areas of dissatisfaction.
Categorize the top three areas of customer delight.
AI Story Assist - Categorize the top three areas of customer delight.
Use the jobs to be done framework to identify unique ways (company or product) is fulfilling the needs of its customers.
AI Story Assist - Use the jobs to be done framework to identify unique ways (company or product) is fulfilling the needs of its customers.
Do customers find it easy to order via the mobile app?
AI Story Assist - Do customers find it easy to order via the mobile app?

User Test / Product Feedback

Product feedback provides researchers with information about product performance. This could come in the form of structured feedback, like a product test, or in the form of unsolicited feedback from product reviews and the like. The critical question is: “How are customers perceiving and using our product or service?” Prompts reveal common themes, emotional associations like nostalgia, usage occasions, health/nutrition reactions, and specific product aspect perceptions.

Identify the common themes present in the feedback about the product or service.
AI Story Assist - Identify the common themes present in the feedback about the product or service.
Generate narratives based on specific filters, such as a demographic cross tab, or even around a specific theme from the feedback itself.
AI Story Assist - Generate narratives based on specific filters, such as a demographic cross tab, or even around a specific theme from the feedback itself.
Write a brief summary of how the product or service evokes a specific emotion or perception (e.g., nostalgia, luxury, convenience).
AI Story Assist - Write a brief summary of how the product or service evokes a specific emotion or perception (e.g., nostalgia, luxury, convenience).
Summarize what people say about when or how they would likely consume or use the product or service.
AI Story Assist - Summarize what people say about when or how they would likely consume or use the product or service.
For a specific product aspect (e.g., flavor, texture, design), summarize how people are describing or reacting to it.
AI Story Assist - For a specific product aspect (e.g., flavor, texture, design), summarize how people are describing or reacting to it.
Ask AI Story Assist to generate marketing campaign ideas with taglines.
AI Story Assist - Ask AI Story Assist to generate marketing campaign ideas with taglines.

Consumer Behavior

Consumer behavior studies explore how situations and trends influence attitudes and habits. The critical questions being answered are likely to vary based on the situation and research goals, from the feelings about personal finance to dietary habits, but generally explore how consumers feel, why they may feel that way, and how its influencing their daily lives. Prompts identify core behavior themes, emotional responses, need states, adaptation strategies, consumer personas, and recommendations for brands to address evolving behaviors.

How are people adjusting their shopping habits?
AI Story Assist - How are people adjusting their shopping habits?
Summarize how people are feeling about the situation or trend based on the responses.
AI Story Assist - Summarize how people are feeling about the situation or trend based on the responses.
Name three consumer personas based on the responses, describe them, and include a sample quote for each.
AI Story Assist - Name three consumer personas based on the responses, describe them, and include a sample quote for each.
Based on the responses, please suggest three recommendations for brands or marketers addressing this consumer behavior.
AI Story Assist - Based on the responses, please suggest three recommendations for brands or marketers addressing this consumer behavior.

By leveraging the power of generative AI prompts, insights teams can unlock the full potential of their consumer feedback data, driving data-driven storytelling, operational efficiency, and elevated team performance – ultimately fostering consumer empathy at scale.

Canvs works with elite insights teams to make consumer empathy a superpower through the magic of AI, and we’d love to work with you. Reach out to learn more and schedule a demo.


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